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The revision of the GUI now makes it a bit easier to figure out where on
the disk your media is located but you still may want to use the steps as described below in the terminal section.
Now you must name the file which it will output. You can either just name it and it will output the file to the directory in which the GUI is installed or you can browse for the path using the browse button. Do not use any escaping characters. Examples include \ /. Also do not include any extensions as the program will create them for you and you do not need to worry about them. Next you must tell the program what type of movie you have. If you have a wide screen movie select the check box.
Full Screen
Type the tile on the DVD corresponding to the selection that you want to convert. All of the following steps are optional and can be accessed through the "Advanced
Options" check. Next if you only want to convert one chapter, type the chapter that you wish to convert after celecting the corresponding checkbox. If you wish to amplifly the volume, celect the checkbox and type your desired amplification. (The higher the number the greater the amplification). If you are converting for an iPod then you do not need to make any changes of the codecs on the right side "iPod" will work just fine. When you are done Making your selections click "GO". The program will open up another window and begin converting your movie.
If you are Running DVD to iPod under Windows Vista then you will need to retretrive your files in the folder:
C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\DVD to iPod GUI\DVD to iPod
Replacing [your username] with your username in Windows Vista. For example, if your username was Andy you would acces it with:
C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\DVD to iPod GUI\DVD to iPod
Please note that this is the path for the default instaliation of the GUI. Replace it with the path that you used.
This Program has been designed for end users who know a bit about how DVDs are structured and it requires you to know a little about the disk structure of your DVD. To figure it out you can watch your DVD with programs such as VLC.
If you are an English speaker (as it the case seems to be) type en as your language selection. In the current version you only need to do this once.
Find the drive letter of your DVD (or in the case of Unixes the path to it).
In the case shown above either E or F would be acceptable drives.
Now you must name the file which it will output. Do not use any spaces or other escaping characters. Examples include \ /. Also do not include any extensions as the program will create them for you and you do not need to worry about them.
For the ipod compatible format on the prompt that asks you for the tormat type' i'.
Next you must tell the program what type of movie you have. If you have a wide screen movie type y otherwise type n.
Full Screen
Next Type the chapter that you wish to convert.
If you wish to only get one chapter of it then type y other wise n.
If you wanted only one chapter type it now.